Acharya Prashant: The more you search, the more you will not find

  • 5 years ago
Video Information: Acharya Prashant speaking on an Advait Learning Camp at Sariska, on 15 Jan, 2016.

1) As long as a scholar makes a search or an investigation, so, long that (self) is indeed not met with, since it is not at all graspable.(64)

2)It is not obtainable by going to a distance ( i.e., by reaching out through the senses and the mind). It is indeed met with always standing still (i.e., without the movement of the senses and the mind). It is not knowable by thinking on it (through mental activity). It shines on account of the absence of such reflection (through mental activity). It is not attainable by activity anywhere as the shadow of one’s own head by running.(65)

3) As even a boy seeing, for instance, a thousand reflections in a clear mirror, does not see the mirror, So, a person indeed seeing the reflection in the form of the world in the great mirror of his own self, does not know his own self on account of giving up its acquaintance.(66,67)

4)Lord! See the world which is of the nature of knowledge and the known by your subtle vision. There, knowledge or (experience) is proved by itself. In its absence, nothing whatever exists.(68)

5)That (Knowledge) is the proof of all proofs, but should itself be proof less. Since it does not depend upon proof, therefore it is admitted to be true from the beginning. Its attainment does not happen at any time by the existence of the accomplisher of the attainment.(69)
~ The Essence of Tripurarahasya
