Islamic State leader Al-Baghdadi killed in U.S. raid

  • 5 years ago
BARISHA, SYRIA — According to U.S. President Donald Trump, eight helicopters carrying U.S. troops flew towards ISIS leader Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi's compound in the Syrian village of Barisha on Saturday night, CNN reports.

The helicopters were met with local gunfire while in transit, but returned fire and eliminated the threat.

At the compound, troops avoided the booby-trapped main door and breached a wall to gain entry into the building.

According to Trump, U.S. forces killed a "large number" of militants during a gun battle. At least two ISIS fighters were captured, and 11 children rescued. Two of Baghdadi's wives were also killed, but their suicide vests were unexploded.

Baghdadi, who also wore a suicide vest, fled to an underground tunnel with three children while being chased by U.S. Delta Forces and K9 units. He detonated his vest after running into a dead-end, killing himself and the children.

The explosion caused the tunnel to collapse, and caused serious injury to one dog, though. No U.S. personnel were killed."

The BBC reports that while the blast mutilated Baghdadi's body, an on-site DNA test positively confirmed his identity.

According to the New York Times, the U.S. bombed the entire compound afterward to make sure it was destroyed.

CNN reports that Baghdadi's death marks the end of a years-long hunt for the elusive leader, who is known for declaring the creation of the Islamic State caliphate in Syria and Iraq in 2014.


