Nascar Cuts Testing to Save Money

  • 16 years ago
Even as NASCAR celebrates a huge milestone with Jimmie Johnson's third consecutive Sprint Cup win, the car racing organization is tightening their belts due to the sagging US economy. NASCAR met with the crew chiefs from all the racing teams to announce a no testing policy that will be implemented next season in order to save millions of dollars. All tracks that have NASCAR races will be included in the testing ban, though teams can test on non-NASCAR tracks. Testing gives teams valuable data on new cars at every cup track, and the new policy is a big change from an earlier plan in the season to increase testing to 24 sessions per team. But Pat Tryson, Kyle Busch's crew chief stated that “It has pluses and minuses. Times are tough right now, so it's probably not that bad a thing for most people. It's the same for everybody. It may make the racing better with nobody having the opportunity to test.” Either way, the change will end up saving big money... some teams spend more than 3 million dollars a year on testing, and just one test day can cost more than 100,000 dollars in expenses per car. We'll have to wait until next season to see how the move affects the performance of NASCAR's top racing teams. I'm HOST, and you've been watching RPMFreaks.Com. Keep watching for more news, reviews, and tips from the automotive world. Distributed by Tubemogul.