Occupy the Manuel Belgrano School of Fine Arts - Buenos Aires 1971

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Journalistic note on Cerrito Street 1350 on the occupation of the Manuel Belgrano School of Fine Arts. Then the journalist comments: "We find this poster, with this legend: The school is taken." Report to one of the students, in which he is asked: - What is really happening here? -How many students are there really inside the school right now? (Answer: 150 students) -How many are the effective students of the school of Fine Arts? (Answer: In the 3 shifts there are 850 students) - Summarizing and very concretely, why is the school taken? (Responds: The school has been taken because 5 classmates have been expelled; they suspended 3 divisions and suspended the classes of the night shift for 2 weeks) - You exhausted all the alternatives; Have they had dialogue at least? - Until when they think to remain inside the school, that is to say, until when this is going to continue taken? - We see here in the immediate vicinity to patrols of the Federal Police; was there any problem; they had a dialogue with the police; Someone asked them to evict the school? - Did the police give you any ultimatum to vacate the school? -Was the school principal present? At least you have knowledge of all this? - Do you have the hostage director lady? - Is there any possibility that she will come to talk with us here? -What is the situation, please, of the school principal at the moment? (Leo Gleizer / Night)
Date: 5/29/1971
Duration: 4 minutes 16 seconds
Film code: C-01296

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