In-depth: Global market wrap-up

  • 5 years ago
It's time now for an in-depth look at the market news on this Friday.
And for that I'm joined by Dr. Kim Sei-wan, professor of economics at Ewha Woman's University.
Dr. Kim, thank you for coming on today.
Thank you.
The IMF this week lowered its forecast for global economic growth for this year. 3 percent is the figure now. The lowest since the financial crisis a decade ago. And for China, the forecast is the lowest in 27 years. What's happening in the global economy?
For Korea's economic growth this year, Bloomberg has compiled an average of estimates from 41 institutions here and overseas. That average is 1-point-9 percent. What do you make of that figure?
We have international organizations calling for the Korean government to ramp up spending to help the economy. But what about the government's financial situation? There are concerns there too.
With growth so weak in Korea, the BOK has lowered its policy rate again to a record low. What do they hope to accomplish with that, and at the same time what might there be to worry about?
President Moon announced some new measures yesterday as well. More investment in construction to help the economy. What stands out to you in these measures?
Alright, Dr. Kim. That's where we'll have to leave it today.
Thanks so much for coming on.