Former NASA Scientist Claims They Found Life on Mars 40 Years Ago

  • 5 years ago
Former NASA Scientist
Claims They Found Life on Mars
40 Years Ago According to Gilbert V. Levin,
Viking landers sent by NASA to Mars
in 1976 conducted an experiment
which he claims offers proof of life. Levin made the claims
in an article published
in 'Scientific American.' The experiment conducted
by the lander is known
as Labeled Release (LR). It sought to detect life by embedding
nutrients into Martian soil. It then tested
whether organic life had consumed the
nutrients, releasing evidence of metabolism. While the experiment seemed
to prove that life existed on Mars,
NASA was unable to reproduce
the result in a laboratory. Gilbert V. Levin, Former NASA Scientist, via CNN With new discoveries on Mars, Gavin
proposes a repeat of the LR experiment.
He suggests that the data be reviewed
by an independent, expert panel. Gilbert V. Levin, Former NASA Scientist, via CNN NASA's latest Mars rover
launches in the summer with a
proposed February 2021 landing.