• 6 years ago
We take chemistry in the tank 3 times a week with an API Freshwater Master Test Kit. It measures pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. The ammonia and nitrite levels are zero, but the nitrate levels are 40ppm (kinda high). Other than a water change, it's difficult to remove nitrates in temperatures below 60 because the nitrogen cycling bacteria are less active. Watercress is native to PA streams and is efficient in removing nitrogen from the water as we found out last year.

Pennsylvania's statewide Trout In the Classroom (TIC) program is made possible through a unique partnership between the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). This partnership provides curriculum resources, workshops for teachers and program partners, technical support, trout eggs and food, and grants.

