• 5 years ago
Bizarre UFO Abduction: Woman Claims 18 Alien Fetus Abortions After Being Impregnated By Gray And Reptilian Aliens Who Abducted Her [Video]
An Italian woman, Giovanna Podda, came forward in 2010 with one of the most bizarre alien abduction stories ever.

She claimed in an interview with an Italian TV channel that she had her first alien abduction experience at the age of 4. She also claimed that Gray aliens performed artificial insemination on her 18 times and each time deliberately aborted the alien-hybrid fetus that resulted.

According to Giovanna, the aliens used her to perform hybridization experiments.

She said that the last alien artificial insemination she received was from another alien race, the Reptilians, who told her they were enemies of the Gray aliens.

Giovanna allegedly got human doctors to abort her Reptilian-Human hybrid fetus.


