Owning a Dog May Lower Risk of Early Death

  • 5 years ago
Owning a Dog May Lower
Risk of Early Death.
A systematic review in ‘Circulation,’ a journal of the American Heart Association, found that dog ownership is "protective against dying of any cause.".
Dog ownership was associated
with a 24% reduction in all
cause mortality. , Mount Sinai endocrinologist Dr. Caroline Kramer.
The review spanned over 70 years
of research and included over almost
4 million people from several major countries.
A separate study also found that people
who owned dogs had better health
outcomes after major cardiovascular
events like heart attacks or stroke.
Though both studies are observational and
would require a clinical trial to be proven,
the AHA marks the findings as significant.
While these non-randomized studies cannot 'prove' that adopting or owning a dog directly leads to reduced mortality, these robust findings are certainly at least suggestive of this. , Dr. Glenn Levine, via AHA's scientific
statement on pet ownership


