About For Books Creating The Good Will Review

  • 5 years ago
Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2006-12-1 Pages: 234 Publisher: Penguin Leave your family peace of mind with this new approach towills and estates Whenever Elizabeth Arnold tells people her specialty. theyusually share their own family dilemmas Maybe Dad left behind amisguided or. inadequate will. Maybe Aunt Sue nabbed the vase thatwasn t in Grandma s will and Aunt Pat has not spoken a kind word toher since. Maybe Sis can not decide who should get the kids in caseof a tragedy. so she does not have any will at all. Such tales ofwoe have nothing to do with legal or tax problems. The real issuesbehind wills gone wrong-or wills that never get off the ground-arethe human ones. Creating the Good Will tackles the important human dimensionsthat most books about wills fail to address. Arnold teaches herreaders that wills are not just legal documents but also heartfeltemotional ...
