Grief Sucks...But Love Bears All Things: How Grief Tore Me Apart and Put Me Back Together Best

  • 5 years ago
With stark honesty and emotional intimacy, this personal account of a woman?s loss will support and inspire others who are also managing their grief. Through her example and openness, readers?can relate to, and find solace in, the author?s experience overcoming her darkest times after loss. Gayle Taylor Davis had it all?a husband she adored, two successful daughters, and a career that she enjoyed. Then with one phone?call her world fell away and she was plunged into grief: her husband had passed suddenly from a heart attack. The book relates how she climbed out of grief one painful step at a time, and recalls the worst moments?days of crying, sleepless nights, and thoughts of suicide. Through her prose and poetry, Davis rejects simpleminded words of comfort to address loss with?the simple truth that even the worst pain is survivable.