Sweetheart Movie Trailer - Plot synopsis: Jenn (Kiersey Clemon) finds herself completely alone on a small tropical island after her boat goes down. By day, every ounce of her strength, cunning, and courage is strained simply to find food, outlast the elements, and survive. But as the sun sets, Jenn’s waking nightmare inexorably grows into terror, when a malevolent force comes to stalk the jungle for prey. From Blumhouse, producers of Get Out and The Purge franchise, comes a thrilling twist on the castaway genre. - Own it 10_22 on DVD & Digital
Director: J.D. Dillard
Writers: J.D. Dillard, Alex Hyner, Alex Theurer
Stars: Emory Cohen, Kiersey Clemons, Hanna Mangan Lawrence
Director: J.D. Dillard
Writers: J.D. Dillard, Alex Hyner, Alex Theurer
Stars: Emory Cohen, Kiersey Clemons, Hanna Mangan Lawrence
Short film