• 6 years ago
What did you think of AEW's TV deal in the UK? Let us know in the comments!
AEW TV Setback - 7:53 / Nyla Rose Controversy - 8:35 / AEW UK TV Deal Announced - 9:22
MAJOR AEW TV SETBACK & Nyla Rose CONTROVERSY! WWE NXT Review! | WrestleTalk News Sept. 2019
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MAJOR AEW TV SETBACK & Nyla Rose CONTROVERSY! WWE NXT Review and more as Laurie Blake Reviews the 25th September edition of NXT and Oli Davies takes us through the rest of the News for Thursday 26th of September 2019...

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Sources used for research:

Fans furious at AEW TV, airing in UK on ITV - https://www.cagesideseats.com/2019/9/25/20884115/itv-announces-aews-uk-tv-deal-fans-not-happy
AEW ITV deal and how it changed, via Wrestling Observer Radio - https://www.f4wonline.com/wrestling-observer-radio/wor-nxt-aew-itvfite-tv-ufc-next-weeks-schedule-293296
AEW and Tony Khan announce FITE.TV solution for Dynamite outside US - https://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/2019/09/fitetv-announces-new-aew-plus-feature-660034/
AEW Dynamite has PAC vs Hangman Page for debut show on TNT - https://twitter.com/theAdamPage/status/1176897079945416704
AEW Dynamite TV debut episode struggling to sell secondary market tickets - http://www.pwmania.com/cheap-aew-dynamite-tickets
AEW and Nyla Rose controversy - https://twitter.com/NylaRoseBeast/status/1176574122723282949
Cody Rhodes announces AEW Dynamite will be TV-14 - https://twitter.com/CodyRhodes/status/1176538205509836801
