Thai man trains his pet bird to steal money from his girlfriend

  • 5 years ago
This cheeky bird has been trained by her male owner - to steal money from his girlfriend's hand.

Panop Prampanupreeda, 20, was whispering to his Green-cheeked parakeet named Tangmo to collect a 500 baht (16.50USD) banknote from his partner.

The duo was filmed at their apartment in Phuket, Thailand on Tuesday, August 27.

The five-month-old bird flew directly onto the girlfriend's hand and picked the money up with her beak before quickly returning to her master.

The witty boyfriend happily took the banknote from Tangmo and kissed her as a reward.

Panop jokingly said that one of the reasons he taught her to fly and pick up things was because she could take the money from his girlfriend as she never leant him any cash.

He said: ''My bird is very clever and she learns new things very quickly. She already learns a lot in her five months old.

''I think of how awesome it would be to use her ability for my own sake by stealing money from my girlfriend so that I could have it without being caught.'


