The larger than life characters and sets of Padmavati have grabbed the eyeballs ever since the trailer of the film has released. Besides, Deepika Padukone has brought laurel from the fans and designers, as she completed the shooting of the film with heavy royal dresses on the sets for 12-14 hours and this continued for 100 days. The dress of Deepika has been designed by Rimple and Honeypreet Narula.
According to sources the Lahenga of Deepika designed by the duo weighs more than 30 kilos and cost 20 lakhss. No doubt why Deepika Padukone is looking so elegant in the trailer.
According to sources the Lahenga of Deepika designed by the duo weighs more than 30 kilos and cost 20 lakhss. No doubt why Deepika Padukone is looking so elegant in the trailer.