A Staten Island Love Affair 3 Complete

  • 5 years ago
After hearing that he?ll never be able to have kids, Hudson is trying to pick up the pieces and move on with his life. With Mina there, she makes it all better for him. Yet, he has become very cozy with his bottle of brandy and that worries Mina. Ronnie is still trying to fight for her marriage, except Hudson doesn?t want her. Her bitterness and anger is still toward Mirror. Mirror is living her dreams. With a baby and a new man, she?s over the moon. Especially since her family approves of Orlan. Mirror has always been known to take the high road, but what happens when she starts to stoop down to Ronnie?s level? Will she push Orlan away?Myeisha is trying to plan a wedding, keep an eye on her fianc? and run her shop. However, it?s hard to do that when you?ve been avoiding your ex. Rucka is still hurt that he hasn?t known about his son and Myeisha hid their son from him. Will Rucka forgive her? Or will this cause a strain their relationship. With the explosive ending of part two, everyone has to deal with what has happened. Mouse is causing more trouble than is needed. When Messiah finds out exactly who Mouse is, will she have to kill a rat once more? Teck is trying to deal with all that has happened and trying to be there for everybody. After the ending of part two, everything is sure to heat up in Staten Island.