Raul Alfonsin triunfo de la juventud radical en las elecciones de 1973

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Report to Dr. Raul Ricardo Alfonsin after finalizing the press conference of the Movement of Renewal and Change to clarify the result of the election of the youth of the province that won widely and that they are considered losers. The journalist asks: -Doctor, we would like you to tell us how and what was treated in this afternoon's meeting? -Obviously and journalistically speaking the result of these elections are still a bit conflicted, at the beginning of this press conference, which we are now doing this apart you call them unusual and please I would like to clarify this a bit ? -Do you have specific places doctor, can we quote them? - Doctor, also the possibility of holding a meeting with the journalism of both parties also slipped into the conference, that is, jointly, how can we explain it to this? - You do not believe that this situation that has arisen now doctor can create situations so risky in future contests? (Edgardo Mesa / Magnetic)
Date: 12/11/1973
Duration: 4 minutes 8 seconds
Film code: C-01063

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