Moon-Trump summit set for 23rd in New York: Blue House

  • 5 years ago
President Moon Jae-in will have his ninth one-on-one meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump next Monday, the 23rd,... on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.
According to the Secretary to the President for Peace Planning, Choi Jong-kun, in a briefing on Thursday,... the leaders will discuss ways to achieve denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula,... while also working to upgrade their bilateral ties.
"The two sides plan to discuss measures to achieve complete denuclearization and lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula and various ways to strengthen the South Korea-U.S. alliance, as well as regional issues."
Peace will also be the focus of his keynote speech on the 24th,... in which President Moon will call for the international community's continued support for the peace process.
During his trip between the 22nd and 26th,... the president will also sit down with the leaders of Poland, Denmark, Australia and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.