Benjamin Menendez inspecciona campamento guerrillero en Tucuman 1980

  • hace 5 años
Tucumán: Report on the guerrillas. Close-ups of an Army helicopter landing in a sector of the Tucuman mountains. Close-ups of armed soldiers and near the helicopter. General views of a camp used by subversive guerrillas. Then you hear the statements of an army officer where he says: "This was a camp used by the guerrillas to live; then they left when we ran and did not return." Close-ups of an army helicopter in flight and landing on the same ground. Close-ups of the Commander of the III Army Corps, Division General Luciano Benjamín Menendez, next to a group of soldiers walking on the ground. General views of the Commanders of the III Army Corps, Major General Luciano Benjamín Menendez and Antonio Domingo Bussi, observing the camp found by the army. General views of the soldiers carrying out a raking operation on the mountain and requisitioning the camp. Aerial views taken from a helicopter in flight, where you can see the Tucuman mountains; the other helicopter in flight; a military regiment; and the buildings and houses of the provincial capital (Magnetic / Color / Ambient sound)
Date: 1980
Duration: 4 minutes 5 seconds
Film code: C-00528

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