App Store Review - iChalky

  • 16 years ago
I'm Marc Gittleman from Hard Drive 911 Data Recovery for TekieTV.Com, your best source for technology news and technology reviews. Life is full of frustrations, and who wouldn't love to find a non destructive outlet for all of them? With the popular iPhone app iChalky, now you can knock over, shake, throw, and generally abuse an animated stick figure without fear of prosecution. Chalky is a simple stick figure animated in a chalk board style that only wants to try and keep his balance... while you as a player get to tilt, shake, and completely turn his world upside down using the iPhone's accelerometer. Chalky also loves to dance, so if you're playing music near your iPhone, the character will dance along to any tracks he hears playing through the iPhone's microphone. But if you get bored watching him dance, just continue to abuse the hapless stick figure by picking him up and tossing him from one end of the screen to the other using the iPhone's touchscreen technology. Ichalky is great fun, but some people have had a few issues with the program, especially iPod touch owners. Chalky loves to dance to music you play near him, but the program does not work with your iPhone's onboard iPod... you'll need to play music outside of the phone that comes through the microphone if you want him to get his groove on. IChalky is a fun and simple program that costs just 99 cents, so if you're looking for an outlet to take your frustration, Chalky's your man. I'm Marc Gittleman from Hard Drive 911 Data Recovery for TekieTV.Com. Keep watching for answers and updates on all your science and technology needs. Distributed by Tubemogul.