SamplerFont SoundFont Player VST VST3 64 bit for Windows and Audio Unit for Mac. Sampler for SoundFont files in .sf2 format (2.04 compliant)


por Syntheway

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SamplerFont is a flexible sampler instrument to play SoundFont files in .sf2 format (v2.04 compliant) with an optimized soundfont player engine and integrated filters, envelope generator and reverb. Available as plugin in VST and VST3 64 bit versions for Windows as well as in Audio Unit for macOS.


• SoundFont Browser - File browser by clicking on the magnifying glass icon, to explore the soundfont contents in *.sf2 format (version 2.04).

• SoundFont Bank - Selector of banks. Bank is a collection of presets and there can be 128 banks (numbered 1-128 or 0-127). Each bank can hold 128 presets. Banks 0 to 127 are called melodic banks while bank 128 is reserved for percussion presets.

• SoundFont Preset - Selector of presets, often referred to as 'instrument', 'program', or 'patch'. Presets are combined into banks.

• State Variable Filter: A stereo state variable 2-pole, 12 dB/ octave response (6dB in band-pass and band-reject mode) with low pass, high pass, bandpass and band-rejection stereo outputs.
  • Low-pass filter, that passes signals with a frequency lower than a selected cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency.
  • High-pass filter, that passes signals with a frequency higher than a certain cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency.
  • Band-pass filter (bandpass filter or BPF), that passes frequencies within a certain range and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that range.
  • Band-rejection filter, that passes most frequencies unaltered, but attenuates those in a specific range to very low levels.
  • Cutoff Frequency knob to control the brilliance of the signal.
  • Resonance knob to emphasize or suppress portions of the signal above or below the defined cutoff frequency.
  • Strength stage, to give a subtle change to the filter strength.

• ADSR envelope generator with Attack, Sustain, Decay and Release parameters:
  • Attack. Determines the time it takes for the note to get to the maximum level.
  • Decay. Determines the time it takes for the note to go from the maximum level to the sustain level (controlled by Sustain).
  • Sustain. Determines level the sound is played at while the note is held (after the other envelope states, Attack and Decay, have been completed).
  • Release. Determines the time it takes for the note to fall from the sustain level to zero (silence) level when it is released.

• Reverberation: Integrated reverb module with room size and width parameters. Provides a spaciousness and depth to simulate the sound reflections from walls, floors and ceilings following a sound created in an acoustically reflective environment. Small rooms can be modeled as well as large spaces.

• MIDI Automation. Implementation of MIDI Continuous Controller parameters for use with external hardware control via DAW.

• On-screen MIDI keyboard that can be played with the mouse, or keyboard.

• Enhanced SF2 engine