Adorable Little Girl Creates Toe-Print Pineapple Painting

  • 5 years ago
This four-year-old girl used her toes' imprint on canvas to create the shape of a pineapple. She dipped her toe in color first and then pressed it on the sheet. She created a vibrant version of pineapple just using her feet.
00:00 Okay, back a little bit sooner than we thought. She was ready to rock and roll.
00:03 So we are doing a toe print pineapple right now. What we did was we picked a
00:10 bunch of different colors and we put them kind of in a circle and then I gave
00:15 guide dots for her. This is what I was talking about earlier in the previous
00:19 video. I'll give guide dots so she knows exactly where to put her toe print. But
00:25 this is the most I would ever, I'll ever do on anything. Isn't it? So I think this
00:35 one's gonna be fun. We're doing it again and again. Why? Because we really like pineapples.
00:45 Our Mimi Goddess kind of turned on to pineapples after she went to Hawaii last
00:49 summer, didn't she? Yes and sometimes we get for real pineapples, you're right.
00:57 For real. Not pretend. Not pretend pineapples? We do? Yeah, we do.
01:12 I'm not used to it. Where do you want me to scoot it? Do you want it sideways?
01:20 Yeah, let me move this out of the way.
01:29 That's okay. It's okay to go back and do some repeats.
01:40 I did the same color. That's okay.
01:45 Why does it mix up color when I drop on a different color? Because you haven't wiped off your feet in
01:53 between each. It makes them all sorts of pretty. So I don't know if you all can
01:57 see all the different colors that this is gonna end up being. Do you like it? Mm-hmm. I do. We might have to
02:07 make one for our house. Yeah, because we like it. Go back and repeat. Go back and repeat. You're gonna be a good teacher one day, Min Min. Why?
02:21 Because you're good with your directions, that's why.
02:25 (Making a tooth fairy)
02:40 You're doing a good job. When I get more bigger, my teeth will fall out. Your teeth will fall out. Yes.
02:53 She must have seen a tooth fairy movie at some point. She's obsessed with like
02:56 her teeth coming out of her head. Like a tooth fairy? I think we've seen one. You must have seen one.
03:05 Because you're cracking me up. Miss Nellie Kelly said it looks so great, Min. You're doing a good job.
03:13 Can you say thank you? She can see it. She's watching right now. Okay, so we covered up all of our dots.
03:22 Come here. We're just gonna do quick, quick wipe, wipe, wipe. Okay, sorry. Now with our paintbrush.
03:33 Alright, now listen. Hey, look at Mommy. We're gonna do, we're gonna do those lines that we do for the tops. Yes.
03:43 You see? You see how high we're going? Tops. So you're gonna use all these fun colors to do your
03:49 stems too, okay? Now just pick one color, remember? Pick a couple. Okay? You're gonna stop at the top of your
03:59 pineapple. Very good. Do another one.
04:15 Good. Remember to make them, make them kind of like little rainbows. Mom, can you do me dots?
04:20 Because I don't know. You want dots? Okay, okay. Alright, there's a dot, and there's a dot.
04:27 And remember, you're gonna, you're gonna make like little rainbows, okay? Okay? And you can have dots
04:33 down here too. Okay. Okay? They can be all sorts of different sizes.
04:42 Do we need to do all different shots? Mm-hmm. Remember, be careful with the dark. What does dark do?
04:48 Takes over. Takes over. So easy on the dark colors, okay? Is this a dark color?
04:55 Mm, it's not too bad. It's kind of like a medium color. I didn't use dark blue this time. No?
05:03 Do you want me to wipe off your brush? No. Here, well, I'm going to, to try to get some of that dark blue off.
05:11 Alright, go.
05:13 Now I don't have dark blue. Here, I'm going to turn this around so that we get some, some lines better.
05:28 Sometimes turning a painting a different direction for her, we get better results.
05:33 We've just learned. We're almost, I think, well, we're probably about a hundred paintings in now.
05:38 A hundred. A hundred. Is that amazing or what? So be sure that, hey, be sure that you go this way on this side.
05:45 So do another rainbow a different direction. Do you see my finger?
05:49 Good job. Keep going.
05:55 Miss, Miss Nellie Kelly again, Minamiya, she said, "My daughter Rosa is four and she wants me to tell you that you're a great artist."
06:06 She says, "Congratulations." What do you tell her? Why?
06:10 Well, probably for doing such a good job. You know, for raising money for camp.
06:14 Are you so excited about camp? Mm-hmm.
06:17 Mm-hmm. You ask every day how much more, how much longer it is to camp, don't you?
06:21 Mm-hmm. Because I don't know which day. That's okay.
06:26 Whoop! Wrong direction, but that's okay.
06:31 [sniffing]
06:33 [mumbling]
06:38 Good job. Good cover. Can we do, look, we need one right here and maybe one right here.
06:43 [mumbling] Yep.
06:48 Here, let me clean off your paintbrush because we're starting to get a lot of the messy color that we don't like.
06:54 Where everything kind of turns brown and muddled. All right.
06:58 [sniffing]
07:00 All right. Start here. There you go. And then right here.
07:07 Good job. Oh, are you done? Yeah.
07:17 Okay. All right.
07:20 So there's our first attempt at a toe print pineapple.
07:23 Again, so we've seen now that we need, she's got smaller toes than the actual thing we found on Pinterest, so.
07:30 We'll figure it out for the next one, but there we go. Toe print pineapples.
07:35 Your turn. For you.
07:37 Love you. Love you. Bye!
07:40 [laughing]
