Tomi Lahren Appears To Admit Her Clothing Line Is Not Made In America

  • 5 years ago
Tomi Lahren appears to admit her clothing line is not made in America.

Conservative commentator Tomi Lahren appears to admit that her new "Freedom" athleisure clothing line is not currently manufactured in the United States despite her public support of "made in the U.S.A," notes the Daily Beast. 
"Lahren's clothing line featured star-spangled leggings, tops, and jackets," the outlet stated.
She made the admission on Twitter Friday, saying of the company Alexo Athletica which makes her line, "Like many American small business owners, Alexo aims to be Made in America. We are working towards that." 

She also included a statement from Alexo CEO Amy Robbins who said, in part, "Due to the increased labor costs and heightened regulations many US-based manufacturers face we were left with little option but to manufacture overseas to start out." 
While neither revealed where the line is actually made, there has been speculation that it is made in China.
However, on Fox Nation last month, Lahren reportedly applauded President Trump's move to tighten restrictions on items qualifying for the "made in the U.S.A." label, saying, "In America, it's Americans first. We should come first in our own dang country and in under this president, we do." 
