Akhanda Kashmira Prachanda Prahara: Pakistan Test Fires Ghaznavi Missile to Raise War Spectre

  • 5 years ago
Pakistan carried out a night training launch of surface-to-surface ballistic missile Ghaznavi early on Thursday, a move that coincides with its scaled-up effort to internationalise the Kashmir issue. Major General Asif Ghafoor, spokesperson of Pakistan Armed Forces, tweeted that the exercise was successful and put out a 30-second video clip of the missile launch along with a group photograph of officers with the missile.

The military spokesperson said the ballistic missile is capable of “delivering multiple types of warheads upto 290 km”. He added that Pakistan President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan had conveyed its appreciation to the team and congratulated the nation.

That message from Imran Khan was a sharp contrast to the one delivered across the border by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He launched “Fit India” movement as a step towards a healthy and prosperous India.

The timing of the missile launch is seen as part of a two-pronged effort to internationalise the Kashmir issue at both military and diplomatic levels, and for impact, raise the spectre of nuclear war between the two countries.