S. Korea has not notified N. Korea about celebration of summit anniversary

  • 5 years ago
정부, 9.19 평양공동선언 1주념 기념행사 개최... 북한엔 통보 안해

Seoul is planning to celebrate the one-year anniversary of last year's inter-Korean summit in Pyeongyang
The government has not yet notified the regime of the plan, and is organizing the event alone.
According to the unification ministry there are two key reasons for this: There's still plenty of time left and the North's recent attitude.
Pyeongyang continuously condemned Seoul for carrying out a joint military exercise with the U.S. and introducing new military assets.
The South Korean government said it's holding the event to show willingness to implement last year's joint declaration to the North, expressing hopes that Pyeongyang would respond positively and join in the celebrations.


