Hernan Buche reactivacion de la economia en Argentina 1995

  • hace 5 años
Television program “A Fondo”
Driving: Gerardo Bongiovanni
Collaboration: Walter Castro - Marcelo Fernandez
Block 2: Interview with Hernan Buche: - Do you know that in Argentina it has a special influence on what happens in Brazil, these days there have been quotas, returns, as you see Brazil? - I would like to know your opinion based on the experience of those who lived in Chile, although they are different situations, as you see the situation in Argentina? - The social blow or the social effect of the disappearance of employment, the fall of the activity is seen a few months later? - The issue of unemployment is naturally crucial in Argentina and the question one asks is when the public sector was reactivated after its privatization unemployment people, in a second stage the private sector begins to make its adjustment levels and has also unemployed People, now the provinces threaten to unemployment people and unemployment rates I believe in a vain tendency to rise and seem to have no brake in Argentina, what is the real brake on the issue of unemployment, when people are reabsorbed? - In Argentina it seems that many people are happy when President Menem announces a five-year plan promoted by the government that promises 330 thousand new jobs and this should be the only feeling in the market that someone can absorb jobs, Are we in a good way that the government tries to absorb unemployed? - Here one has the feeling above all in the interior of Argentina that this is happening, the economy is being reconverted, in some sectors they are being more efficient, you have to continue that conversion with for example I believe that now the conversion that is coming is the retail, is very expanded, note that in Rosario there are 250 tourism agencies, there are almost 400 real estate agencies, this has to be converted and that generates unemployment, people who are left without work, what one does not see is the simultaneous appearance of a significant amount of new companies, new sources of work, this process is very slow, how can this be expedited precisely so that the process is not so socially painful, is there any way to do it? Opinion of Argentine economist Adolfo Sturzenegger on the revival and economic possibilities of Argentina for 1995.
Date: 1995
Duration: 11 minutes 33 seconds
Code: V-00989

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