• 6 years ago
The stomach is the most difficult body part to transform. It's the favorite place for fat storage: When you gain weight, it's the first place to show it-and when you lose weight, it's the last place to show it. What can you do about it? We now know that the fastest way to get your ideal stomach is to do ABS six days a week-But not with the same exact routine. It's the secret of how I got my abs to look the way they do now. Why? By doing a different routine, you trick your stomach muscles into working harder- you keep them off guard. Some of the specific exercises can and should be repeated, but not in the exact same way. Also, you should always do your Abs workout first-before you do your other body parts for any given day. Why? Giving your ABS your first energy helps them get in shape better and energizes you for the rest of your workout, since the stomach is your "center of strength". HOW THIS WORKOUT WORKS: On workout day one, you do a gentle routine-you rest after each stomach exercise. On workout day two you will be doing two stomach exercises together in super-sets of upper and lower abdominals. Your stomach workout will be longer and more intense than day one. On workout day three you will be moving very slowly-doing super-sets. Your stomach workout will be shorter but very intense. On workout days four through six you will be doing five stomach exercises before you take a rest-but with different exercise combinations and at slightly different paces. This variety will create your ideal stomach in record time.