Parasitic worm yanked from man's dome after 30 years of headaches

  • 5 years ago
GUANGZHOU, CHINA — A Chinese man who had been suffering from crazy headaches for about 30 years finally got his head right after doctors discovered a parasitic worm chillin in his dome.

According to Pear Video, the 59-year-old man, surnamed Zhang, told local news that he had been experiencing dizziness and splitting migraines since 1989.
He was misdiagnosed by other doctors has having epilepsy and given the wrong medications, so it's no surprise the headaches didn't subside.
The man finally figured out what the cause was after a recent visit to a hospital in Guangzhou.

A head scan revealed a 10-cm-long worm had taken up residence in the guy's noggin.
The little squirmer was finally removed through surgery, and Zhang is now headache free.
Apparently Zhang had developed a habit of drinking unboiled stream water and eating uncooked frogs and snakes.
Doctors told him that's probably how he developed the parasitic infection.

Remember, next time you're experiencing a pounding headache, Advil might not help, because it may JUST be a parasitic worm.


