Massacre de Relizane sur le BBC

  • 16 years ago
The Wilaya of Relizane massacres of 30 December 1997 were probably the single bloodiest day of killing in the Algerian conflict of the 1990s. 78 people (initial official estimate), 252 people (according to Le Matin and El Watan, quoting hospital sources), 272 people (according to the Algerian government's statement to the UN Commission on Human Rights (E/CN.4/2000/3/Add.1) or 412 people (according to Liberté) were killed in four villages.

Antar Zouabri Djamel Zitouni Madani MezragAli Benhadj Abassi Madani Armée Liberation National Colonel Amirouche Boumediene GPRA FLN ALN Ait Ahmed Krim Belkacem Larbi Ben Mhidi Bella moudjhed GPRA FLN ALN Amazigh Berber Moudjahed Algerien Algerienne Musique Sahara Arabe Islam Musulman Allah El Watan Pays Liberte Francophone Guerre Histoire
Adrar Chlef Laghouat Oum-El-Bouaghi Batna Bejaia Biskra Bechar Blida Bouira Tamanrasset Tebessa Tlemcen Tiaret Tizi-Ouzou Alger Djelfa Jijel Setif Saida Skikda Sidi-Bel-Abbes Annaba Guelma Constantine Medea Mostaganem M'Sila Mascara Ouargla El-Bayadh Illizi Bordj-Bou-Arreridj Boumerdes El-Taref Tindouf Tissemsilt El-Oued Khenchela Souk-Ahras Tipaza Mila Ain-Defla Ain-Temouchent Ghardaia Histoire Archive Memoire Hier Aujourd'huis Passé Présent Avion Mig27 29 31 News Informaion Journal Press 1november 1954 20 aout 1955 56 11 dicembre 1961 19 mars 5 Juillet 1962 force Arme Anp Populaire Frontire Algerien Protection Teretoire Indépendance Fin de Revolution Documentaire Journal Libre Accord d'Evian War Oas Ait Ahmed Krim Belkacem Larbi Ben Mhidi Bella Colonel Amirouche


