Serena Williams' Husband Wants to End Paternity Leave Stigma

  • 5 years ago
Serena Williams' Husband Wants
to End Paternity Leave Stigma Serena Williams' husband, Alexis Ohanian, supports paternity leave. The couple, who married in 2017,
welcomed their daughter,
Alexis Olympia, 23 months ago. The Reddit co-founder wants to highlight
how important it is for men to take time off
to be with their newborn children. Alexis Ohanian, to
'The New York Times' However, Ohanian says he doesn't
"blame" men for not taking time off work. He insists the stigma surrounding the stereotype that men are "conditioned to be breadwinners" means it's difficult to get paid paternity leave. Alexis Ohanian, to
'The New York Times
