Golpe de Estado contra el Presidente Ramon Castillo 1943

  • hace 5 años
The revolution of 1943. Coup d'etat against President Ramón Castillo. General views of the troops advancing through the access routes to the city under the orders of General Arturo Rawson. Facade of the School of Armed Mechanics (ESMA) with projectile impacts due to the struggle that the Armed Forces faced. Images of the people gathered in the Plaza de Mayo. Advance of the troops to the Government House on Avenida de Mayo. General views of the people cheering the arrival of the troops to the Plaza de Mayo. Close-ups of a speaker haranguing people from the balcony of a building. The heads of the military movement arrive at the House of Government. Air Force planes fly over the Plaza de Mayo. The generals Pedro Pablo Ramirez and Arturo Rawson, Rear Admiral Saba H. Sueyro, high chiefs of the Army and the Navy, and significant civil personalities greet the people from the balconies of the Government House. General views of a demonstration of people causing riots and setting fire to buses and trams in the Plaza de Mayo. The Armed Forces, high personalities representative of banking, industry, commerce and production are associated with the joy of the historic day and testify with their presence in the White Room of the Casa Rosada their adhesion to the new government. Close-ups of General Juan Domingo Peron among the military officers. Assumes General Pedro Pablo Ramirez as President of the Nation and Rear Admiral Saba H. Sueyro as Vice President. Ramirez then takes oath to his ministers: Colonel Alberto Gilbert (Interior); Vice Admiral Segundo Storni (Foreign Relations); Mr. Jorge Santamarina (Treasury); Colonel Elbio Carlos Anaya (Justice); General Edelmito Farrel (Ministry of the Army); Rear Admiral Benito Sueyro (Ministry of the Navy); General Diego I. Mason (Agriculture); Vice Admiral Ismael Galíndez (Public Works). President Ramirez receives the spontaneous greeting from the huge crowd that surrounded the event. (News)
Date: 4/6/1943
Duration: 6 minutes 29 seconds
Code of the film: D-02971

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