Full version Visual Fields Via the Visual Pathway For Kindle

  • 5 years ago
Visual Fields via the Visual Pathway presents the varying visual field deficits occurring with lesions of the visual pathway. The book covers anatomy, pathology and signs and symptoms, plus visual field defects associated with specific parts of the visual pathway. Also covered is the basic theory of visual field assessment.This new edition includes updated methods of visual field assessment, additional descriptions of how individual visual field results should be interpreted, an updated review of the pros and cons of the various available test programs, and recent research advances and recommendations on baseline assessment, diagnosis, and re-assessment options to promote good clinical practice decisions.The book expands on the previous edition to consider further types of perimetry and also updates existing perimetry information. The Octopus 900 perimetry, introduced since the first edition, features alongside Goldmann and Humphrey perimeters. Artefacts of testing are discussed as well as their identification versus actual visual field deficit. A section on differential diagnosis is also included.Chapters include numerous illustrations of visual field results, colour plates of associated fundus images, and neuroimaging scans. References and further reading lists are also provided with key articles and up-to-date literature.