Skype interview with Henry Sokolski

  • 5 years ago
We connect to Henry Sokolski, Executive Director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center.
Thank you for joining our program.
1. Undecided (Question on press hearing that’s set to follow Moon-Trump summit)
2. President Trump is likely to visit the DMZ soon after the summit, and he has basically invited Kim Jong-un, tweeting that he would meet him at the DMZ to shake his hand and say Hello. Do you expect the two’s encounter of any kind?
3. We’ve seen various developments since the Hanoi summit, including Kim-Putin, Kim-Xi summits and the exchange of personal letters between Kim and Trump. Do you expect a change in Washington’s FFVD stance following those developments?
4. Possible differences between Moon and Trump in denuclearization approach that weren’t revealed to the public?
5. Kim Jong-un reportedly told Xi Jinping that North Korea’s ultimate goal of denuclearization is its regime security during their summit. Is there a viable way to guarantee North Korea’s regime survival?


