Moon-Putin summit looks set to focus on denuclearization process on Korean Peninsula

  • 5 years ago
문 대통령, 오늘 저녁 푸틴과 정상회담,... 비핵화 관련 논의

We begin with the G20 Summit in Japan, where South Korean President Moon Jae-in is holding a series of one-on-ones with global leaders.
He still has one major summit left on his schedule today... and that is with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.
For more details, let's connect to our Shin Se-min, who joins us from Osaka.
Se-min, what's on the agenda for the upcoming Moon-Putin talks,... and could there be a last minute summit between leaders of South Korea and Japan?
Right it's one of the most important meetings for President Moon at the G20 summit, along with his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, just yesterday.
In just under four-hours' time, Moon and Putin will be back in the room again where the two look set to exchange views on the ongoing peace drive on the Korean Peninsula.
For one,… President Moon may receive a message of some sort from North Korea through Russia- following the summit meeting between Kim and Putin back in April.
And shortly after that meeting in Vladivostok,... Putin called for multilateral talks on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
South Korea's presidential office, however stands firm that the most important discussions should be made between the actual parties, North Korea and the U.S., and that any progress on the nuclear talks comes from a meeting between Kim and Trump.
Also during the meeting tonight,... President Moon may also call on Russia to help speed up the nuclear negotiations.
Just to brush you up on Moscow's stance,... the Russian president, most recently in an interview with Financial Times had expressed that rather than just discussing denuclearization, the parties involved need to discuss how to ensure the unconditional security of Pyeongyang.
And as for the possibility of a summit between Moon and Japan's leader Shinzo Abe,… a meeting still seems unlikely at this point.
But given that Japan is the host nation of this year's G20, the general atmosphere around here seems as though a last-minute adjustment could happen.
And with President Moon previously having said that he's 'always ready' for talks with Japan,... we may need to keep an eye on that possible development in the hours to come.
That's all for me at this hour but I'll be sure to update you on the developments happening.
