S. Korea, China agree on benefits of open, multilateral trade

  • 5 years ago
The leaders of South Korea and China also touched upon other issues during their talks, including the U.S., China row over cybersecurity related 5G technology as well as the sophisticated U.S. missile defense system deployed in South Korea.
According to the Blue House spokesperson, President Xi raised the THAAD issue and asked President Moon to resolve that problem as China has been opposed to its presence from the get go.
To that, Mr. Moon said the deployment of the U.S. missile defense system closely linked to denuclearization.
The two saw eye-to-eye on the benefits of open and multilateral trade.
The Chinese leader emphasized that it not only benefits both sides but also the international community,... stressing the importance of close coordination under this principle.
The two leaders also exchanged views on environmental issues, including fine dust.
President Xi said China is already making ten times the effort to protect the environment, but vowed to do more.
President Moon also called for joint efforts to tackle the fine dust issue,... especially as China acquires the necessary experience and technology.


