• 5 years ago
The Informer Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Honorably discharged Special Ops soldier Pete Koslow's (Joel Kinnaman) world is turned upside-down when he is jailed after a fight to protect his wife (Ana de Armas). He's given a chance for early release by becoming an informant for the FBI (Rosamund Pike and Clive Owen) and using his covert skills in an operation to take down The General, the most powerful crime boss in New York.

But when the FBI sting meant to finally earn Koslow his freedom results in the death of an undercover NYPD cop, Koslow finds himself caught in the crossfire between the mob and the FBI. The General insists Koslow takes the heat and sends him back to prison to spearhead a drug operation from inside, and the FBI affirms that going back to jail to do The General's bidding is the only way for Koslow to keep his deal with them alive.

Caught in a world of impossible choices, Koslow must return to prison,where he formulates a plan to escape the clutches of three of New York City's most powerful organizations -- the mob, the NYPD and the FBI -- in order to save himself and his family.

directed by Andrea Di Stefano

starring Joel Kinnaman, Rosamund Pike, Clive Owen, Common, Ana de Armas, Eugene Lipinski, Martin McCann, Mateusz Kosciukiewicz

release date August 16, 2019
