Winnie the Xi in Pyongyang to kick it with Kim Jong-fats

  • 5 years ago
PYONGYANG — Emperor Winnie the Xi popped over to Pyongyang on Thursday and was treated to a 21-gun salute at the airport and a whole bunch of balloons.
According to the BBC, President Pooh's trip marks the first Chinese state visit to North Korea in 14 years.
The BBC reports this is the fifth time the two dic—tators have kicked it together in 15 months, but the first pow wow to take place in the funner Korea.
The two pals are expected to chat about economics and nukes.
According to the failing New York Times, Pooh and Fatty are engaged in separate disputes with President Trump.
China and 'Murica have been going at it over trade, while Washington has a problem with Pyongyang's nuclear weapons.
The fake news media went on to say American officials expect Xi to try and play middleman by forcing Kim on the nuclear issue to gain leverage with Trump before next week's G20 in Japan.

According to the BBC, tens of thousands of people—no doubt by their own free will— lined the streets to welcome King Xi to North Korea on Thursday morning.
China's official propaganda arm Xinhua news said the two fun-loving leaders met for talks, but provided nothing else.
Everyone's coming out swinging, but who will be the last man standing?


