• 17 years ago
Video summary of the ALDE Conference "Secularism and Religions in the European Union"

Event dates: 27/08/08 to 29/08/08

Location: Room ASP 3G3, European Parliament, Brussels
This conference is meant to be the continuation of the conference "Secularism and religions in the EU" which took place in December 2004 and that was supported by the ALDE Group.
------------------------------------------- MEP's Concerned: Marco Cappato, Marco Pannella
For more information: Pannella Marco - Tel: +32 2 284 51 20

On ALDE Website: http://www.alde.eu/index.php?id=42&no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=9630

[ALDEEVENTS] [Events] [Conference] [Language EN]
