• 6 years ago
Ain't No Grave by knightw11
Big-boned Gentleman (Final Boss Phase 1) by +TEK (Skeleton Boomerang)
Gooey Fluids ...for "Chemical Plant Zone: Act 2" by Tee Lopes / Falk Au Yeong (Sonic Mania)

Thanks To...
MOMiSHStyle for the Bayley video and MrKlongdike Bill for the tweet that did good numbers
Matt Riddle for keeping it real
Nick Klie for the Chris Adams yell
CmllOfficial for the dumpster truck of a triple team
Rob Viper for that one lucha finish
Ian Hamilton for the Stardom Cinderella finish
asapjoey for Da Bad Guy ending
tristan jones for yet more Bart
charles chase for acting & spitting
Martin Billany for that fucking friday song
doug b for the SooUUUpp Nazi
justin hullinger for Aleister Black: Career's Dead & Loving It
uncle yuu for DBZ Abridged ending
johndudebro for HEY KAYLA
cryptnerds for sweaty ending
raveneffectpt for mashing up the Fucking Bullshit song


Undertaker vs. Goldberg was like Shrove Tuesday for me but it turned out to be a challenge to not feel sorry for the two old fucks and even with Mario Paint blasting in the background it's still tough so please remember THEY WERE PAID SHIT-LOADS FOR IT. Hopefully next time they compete, the Saudis can put up the money for a time machine and some Bluechew.

I put the twitter usernames of the three George Of The Jungle laughing guides because I appreciate people may not all share the above sentiment, but you're also watching a botch compilation so even if you don't want to admit you love seeing horrible shit happen, you can say you're watching Botchamania/That Botch Guy/ Wrestle Botch enjoy it and in fact YOU'RE the normal one and definitely not into schadenfreude.

The Mario Paint version of Ain't No Grave was made by knightw11, whose channel can be found here

There's been plenty of debate as to WHY they'd have Baron say that line but they had someone use the term "dismember" last time so eh. All I know is the Saudi shows have produced Titus Worldslide, the HBK return tag match and now Goldberg vs. Undertaker so I'm glad they're sticking with them!

I don't think Lacey Evans is flat-out bad, but she's definitely mis-cast wrestling Lynch & Charlotte this early in her career, two wrestlers who have great matches with each other but tend to look like duplo trying to connect to lego with anybody else.

I agree with Meltzer and Alvarez, if Gable and Gallagher hadn't looked sad I'd have thought that was supposed to be the finish. I mean the fucker took a German Suplex on the outside, that's OK to lose to.

Not a lot of indie footage this time around, but that's why I wait 2 weeks. Sometimes there's loads of stuff and sometimes there's fuck-all. No I AM THE TABLE for the first time in ages too, so you can tell the end is coming.