The New Love Affair: A Blockchain & Hip/Hop Panel

  • 5 years ago
Blockchain technology continues to be embraced by the mainstream audience and a hip hop co-sign might be the start to a new wave of cryptocurrency users. On May 31st Tech This Out America hosted the third installment of Blockchain & Hip Hop during Push Tech 2020’s annual tech conference hosted at Salesforce Headquarters in San Francisco with notable public figures in the music industry who shared why they think blockchain is the future when it comes to taking complete ownership of any contract between made between parties. Stay tuned to learn about how hip hop musicians from the mainstream giants like Pitbull to the late, independent leader in West Coast rap Nipsey Hussle are utilizing blockchain to disrupt the industry.

Mike Johns (CEO, Digital Mind State)

Aubrey Flynn (Board Of Directors,

Lauren Bissell (Founder, Immutable Music)

Byron Booker (Founder, Recording Artist Guild)

B-Legit (Founder, Sick Wid It Records)

Vincent Berry II (Grammy Nominated Producer)


