Chasin' Me A Truck (December 29, 2014 - March 15, 2015)

  • 5 years ago
Act 2 has "Chasin' Me A Truck". Oh yes, "Chasin' Me A Truck". By far the BEST song in this show, and Jasper's best performance in recent time. Jasper does a marvelous job singing this song, Jeremy finds that perfect balance between his own natural singing, Jasper's nasal voice, and Jasper's country accent, making for a delightful experience as Jasper sings about his favorite pastime, chasing trucks. This really develops Jasper's character too, showing there's a fun side to the sarcastic hound we've listened to yammer on about the silly antics of his band mates for the past 16 years. The music, wow-wee! That electric guitar is incredible! The moment this song starts is the moment I get pumped up, and excited. "It's All For Fun & Fun For All" felt like a modern pop song, whereas, oh, this is Rock. In fact, better than modern Rock. There's more electric guitar in this song more than most modern "hit" songs. The music is fantastic, Jeremy nails his performance as Jasper, but what about the lyrics? As catchy as ever! They're not super repetitive as It's All For Fun & Fun For All's lyrics is, but still are memorable enough to stick with you. "Chasin' Me A Truck" is a phenomenal song.
