• 16 years ago
Steve Young's wife Barbara is a good woman and a much better person then her bigoted, hate-filled husband Steve Young who supports his MORmON cult over his own wife and common decency.

Steve Young is a complete idiot, bigot and MORmON cultist, just like his racist, bigoted, asshole, great, great, great, great Grandpa Brigham Young, who taught that blacks were the seed of Cain with flat noses and black skin as their curse from the "MORmON God."

Has he ever repudiated even that? Of course not, so why the hell would he overcome his bigotry and hatred of gays and not support Tommy Boy, the MORmON PRophet of fraud, in his campaign of bigotry and hatred toward homosexuals.

I smell a divorce in his future, as he clearly put the MORmON cult before his own wife(who has a gay brother that she dearly loves...not that Steve cares), family and doing what is right, humane and decent.

Steve Young is a bigot, a coward, a homophobe and a real piece of shit!! If he is going to vote against Proposition 8 and is just too much of a pussy to admit it, then everything I said above STILL applies, as he trembles in fear of Tommy Boy and their excommunication squads that are prowling around, frantically looking for their next victim.

After all Steve Young doesn't want to loose his salvation and future polygamous wives and worlds without number, where he delusionally thinks he'll rule as "GOD" in the next life.

Some twisted, cultist shit eh?!!

This is all of course MY OPINION, based on the facts, which is my constitutional right of freedom of speech, to express.

Amazing, isn't it, that Steve Young, for all those years, could stand up to all of those big linemen, linebackers, cornerbacks and safeties, taking hit after hit, but trembles in fear of his bigoted MORmON cult leaders.

Or maybe he just agrees with them whole-heartedly?!!

PS. Hey Steve, unless you're too big of a pussy, I'd love to interview your cowardly ass...you up to it?!!

