“Shong Rajyo” is a social satirical song written as a tribute to the evergreen classic of Satyajit Ray's "Hirok Rajar Deshe". Much like the film itself, the song revolves around an imaginary kingdom (here called) "Shong Rajyo". The song climaxes with the urge to the listeners to speak against all evils and stand for humanity. The song largely speaks of power of the masses and how one individual can make a difference in making the world a better place to live. The soundscape has been infused brilliantly only to give the pleasure of a lyrical Ballet to the listeners. The music video for the songs has been created in an experimental theatrical style where the entire song has been narrated visually into a short yet strong story portraying an imaginary courtroom. The music would easily connect with both the mass & intellectual audience. The song has been written and composed by Ronnie and performed by the Bengali urban-folk band RONNIE RUSTSTREET. Their minimalist soundscape as their signature, the band bridges popular band musicality with the popular ‘Jibonmukhi’ lyrical essence