• 6 years ago
How to Install Google Chrome on kali Linux as Root?

Step 1: Open your Browser, and then Go to https://google.com

Step 2: Do a search for 'Download Google Chrome', and then open the first link.

Step 3: Click on 64 bit .deb, and then click on 'Accept and Install' button.

Step 4: On the Pop Up, click on 'save file', and then click on 'ok' button.

Step 5: Go the folder where you have downloaded the .deb file.

Step 6: Right click on it, and then click on 'open in terminal'.

Step 7: Now, Type the command below to install it:-

dpkg -i full_file_name

hit enter. if you get error, type the command below, and then hit enter:-

apt install -f

press 'y' key for yes, and hit enter.

Step 8: Click on 'Files' in dock, and then click on 'other locations'. After that, click on 'computer'.

Step 9: Open 'opt' folder, and then open 'google' folder. Open 'chrome' folder.

Step 10: Open 'google-chrome' file, and then go to the end of the file, give space, and write the string below:-

--user-data-dir --no-sandbox

Step 11: Save the file.

Step 12: Go to the 'show applications' in dock, and do a search for 'Google Chrome', click on it to open it.

It's done

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