Woman pays $30,000 for best parking spot in all of China

  • 5 years ago
NANNING, CHINA — A woman from Nanning blew $29,000 dollars on probably the best parking space in all of China.

According to Pear Video, the woman paid for the premier parking spot last August without even looking at it—baller.
According to the Shanghaiist, the space is located super conveniently next to the parking garage elevator.
Only problem is, it's also jammed between two walls with just enough space for a car to squeeze in.
So that means you can't actually use your car doors to get in and out—sweet.
Luckily the woman has a BMW with a sunroof, which now doubles as a door.
When she asked the developer for her money back, he answered with a big old—HELL NO—and hilariously suggested her to sell it to some other dope instead.

According to the Shanghaiist, apparently building regulations say there should be a minimum of 60 centimeters or space around a parking spot.
Tao is now planning to settle the matter in court. Good thing Chinese people NEVER EVER get screwed over in court.
