Making America Muslim - In Their Own Words - Long Term Plans of Islamic Academia

  • 5 years ago
Video from 1989, Muslim Professor Sharifa Alkhateeb explains, "Long Range Process of Making America Muslim, All of America Muslim" - Muslim educator shares ultimate goal of Muslim education in America Ultimate objective of Muslim education in America is to make all of America Muslim. She says: “The long range process of making America Muslim -ALL of America Muslim…and being very calculated about it”

She died in 2004.

Clinton connection-
Clinton speaking:
"I want to thank everyone who has worked on bringing this event together. We have had a wonderful turnout in the past. We had more people this time, so we are actually occupying two rooms here in the Old Executive Office Building. *Sharifa Alkhateeb* of the North American Council for Muslim Women has been largely responsible for working with the White House staff in bringing us here. As many of you may know, Sharifa was the chair of the Muslim Caucus in Beijing in 1995. *And she is also a great friend to me* and to my staff for many, many occasions when we call upon her for advice and counsel. And I am pleased that once again she could be so helpful, both on her own behalf and on behalf of the Council in helping us out here."

Huma connection:

"Afterward, in the corridor, Sharifa greets a young friend, Huma Abedin, office manager for Hillary Rodham Clinton."