S. Korea's income gap narrows slightly in Q1

  • 5 years ago
1분기 소득 분배 개선…상•하위 20% 소득 모두 2%씩↓

The gap in incomes between Korea's top and bottom 20 percent narrowed slightly in the first quarter.
Statistics Korea says the monthly average income of the bottom 20 percent bracket declined by 2-point-five percent on-year to around 1-thousand U.S. dollars.
Those in the upper 20 percent bracket saw their incomes fall 2-point-two percent to about 84-hundred dollars,... the first decline for them since 2015.
That means the ratio comparing the disposable incomes of bottom and top... was 5-point-8 percent... an improvement from the 5-point-9-5 percent tallied in the same period last year.
It's the first time since 2015 that the figure has fallen.


