• 6 years ago
Most of us have probably noticed that cooking odors don't disappear as quickly as some of our favorite foods from a plate. Unfortunately, odors are pesky, invisible and can't be thrown out. But they can be neutralised and eased using some basic techniques. First, always keep the overhead fan running. And open windows so as to create a draft. Light some candles. But make sure they diffuse a fresh smell which conflicts with that of your cooking. Other strong contradictory smells can help too. Boil leftover lemon or orange peels or bake some cinnamon, brown sugar and butter to soften the ambiance. Clean dishes and pans as quickly as possible. Or those odours won't stop permeating the air and will spread elsewhere. Invest in an air purifier. This will manage cooking odors as well as those brought about by other sources. One less inconvenience, and all the more reason to cook.
