Inside look - Master craftmanship at Lexus’ Halo Motomachi plant

  • 5 years ago
Craftsmanship is an age-old tradition in Japan, a country where carefully honed skills are passed from generation to generation to make beautiful, expertly crafted objects. This human touch – the immense care and attention to detail that only man, as opposed to technology, can provide – is the backbone of what makes Lexus and its cars so unique.

At Lexus’ Motomachi plant, in Japan’s Aichi prefecture, the LC luxury coupe is produced by a team of Takumi master craftsmen and exceptionally skilled workers, who apply their wealth of knowledge in every step of the manufacturing process. Combining the finest craftsmanship with innovative technologies, Motomachi is one of the most sophisticated car factories in the world. With its distinctively high-tech feel, it is no surprise that it was at this pioneering plant that many of the same engineers and specialists hand-built the iconic LFA supercar. Now, the craftsmen are using the skills that they acquired in the production of the LFA – such as the development of carbon-fiber components and the expert hand-finishing – to manufacture the LC according to the same quality standards and vigorous care.