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A month without shaving your facial hair ... what could be easier? But after illness, heartbreak and sleep deprivation take their toll, can Brian Peach cut it?
My beard was really put through the wringer in recent weeks. It wasn’t intentional or pleasant, but it coincided with my prep work for this companion piece to my maiden barbershop visit, so I’d be remiss to leave it out. I always have some facial hair. So, when a colleague on STYLE magazine asked me in early November if I’d like to be the bearded man in their barbershop video, I didn’t take much convincing.
Keep watching to see how Brian's first experience at the barber.
A month without shaving your facial hair ... what could be easier? But after illness, heartbreak and sleep deprivation take their toll, can Brian Peach cut it?
My beard was really put through the wringer in recent weeks. It wasn’t intentional or pleasant, but it coincided with my prep work for this companion piece to my maiden barbershop visit, so I’d be remiss to leave it out. I always have some facial hair. So, when a colleague on STYLE magazine asked me in early November if I’d like to be the bearded man in their barbershop video, I didn’t take much convincing.
Keep watching to see how Brian's first experience at the barber.